by RWBro Fidel Pamplona, PSGW
Considering the month of December is the busiest time of the year for holidays, family reunions and some of the members taking advantage of the festive season to visit and be with their relatives; LJR emergent meeting attendance were still in excess of more than seventy, including the Brethren, their wives, families and friends.
Held at the Castle Hill Masonic Centre last Saturday, 7th of December, it was Lodge Jose Rizal’s Family Christmas Celebration and an emergent meeting where Mr. Arnel Santos and Mr. Noel Gosiengfiao became Brother Arnel Santos and Brother Noel Gosiengfiao among Masons.
As the newly ‘excited’ Worshipful Master, WBro Manuel Placido; first time to preside in the Chair of King Solomon, the Lodge was tyled at exactly 5:00PM and was opened in the First Degree. The Worshipful Master welcomed and thanked all the Brethren present and those that brought their families and friends for the Lodge’s special occasion. He congratulated all his newly invested officers and trusted that they will keep their posts well alight with the guidance of the senior officers and members.
The Minutes, Correspondence and other matters arising were presented by the Lodge Secretary, RW Bro Fidel Pamplona. It was moved and seconded by the Senior Warden, Bro Mario Baylon, Jr and the Junior Warden, Bro Micvi Fidel respectively. The accounts and money matters were then presented by Lodge Treasurer, WBro Manuel Santos and were adopted by those in attendance.
All members of Lodge Jose Rizal were then admitted followed by visitors from within and without the District. Visitors outside the District are represented by RWBro Brian Potter, PRGC R-11 of Lodge Sydney St. George and WBro Ron Dixon of Lodge Hornsby.
The Worshipful Master called the nominators to give effect for the acceptance of the application for affiliation of WBro Ian Harrison of Lodge Alpha 970. The replies were positive and of good reports. The Worshipful Master called for the acceptance of WBro Ian Harrison by show of hands. The result was favourable and was accepted. The Worshipful Master then requested to admit WBro Ian Harrison and congratulated him for affiliating with Lodge Jose Rizal. WBro Ian Harrison gratefully thanked the Worshipful Master and the members of Lodge Jose Rizal for accepting him to be a member of LJR. The Worshipful Master presented him with the By-Laws of the Lodge, nameplate and other LJR kit such as necktie, lapel pin and Barong Tagalog which were given later in the South.
With dispensation received from the Regional Grand Counsellor, RW Bro Robert Moore, a successful ballot was then conducted for the admission into Freemasonry of Mr Arnel Santos, sponsored by WBro Rolando Manarang of LJR and Bro Gerry Buraga of Lodge Beauty of Cabravale and; Mr. Noel Gosiengfiao, a MAS Candidate on which the Grand Master MWBro Derek Robson AM and the Grand Secretary RWBro Kevin McGlinn PDGM empowered to permit VWBro Graham Andrews, DGIW-32 and RWBro Fidel Pamplona, PSGW as the Representatives of the Board of Management to act as the nominators for this applicant.
The Worshipful Master, WBro Manuel Placido invited WBro Khris Albano to take the Chair of King Solomon to preside the Ceremony of Initiation. VWBro Rudy Romerosa took over the position of Director of Ceremonies and RWBro Rey Porras as the Immediate Past Master. The Lodge Treasurer, WBro Manny Santos, retired to check on the two candidates for readiness and shortly after his return, an alarm was sounded. Upon inquiry, it was found that Mr Arnel Santos and Mr. Noel Gosiengfiao were at the door of the Lodge properly prepared and humbly soliciting to be admitted into the mysteries and privileges of Ancient Freemasonry. With the guidance of the newly invested Junior Deacon, Bro Eric Buenavista and supported by the Senior Deacon, Bro Paolo Beringuel, the two candidates were perambulated accordingly for the ceremony of their initiation. The charges were faultlessly executed and recited with particular mention of the “Mode of Preparation” as explained by Bro Oscar Eugenio with such feelings and in full control which was an inspirational to watch and an absolute joy to listen to.
The ceremony was over and a photo opportunity was taken, WBro Khris Albano explained to the newly initiated Brethren, Bro Santos and Bro Gosiengfiao the acronym of the word “MAP” on which he said that every Freemason requires when travelling in their journey in Freemasonry and not only in their Lodge meetings but in places in the four quarters of the globe. The “MAP” stands for Memorisation, Attendance and Presentation and or Personality. WBro Kris Albano stressed to them the great opportunity and privilege of being members of this Ancient Fraternity; and especially to this young and progressive lodge, Lodge Jose Rizal. He then handed them the Book of Constitutions, the By-Laws of LJR, the First Degree Book, and other reading materials assuring that they will peruse these during their spare time. WBro Kris Albano also mentioned that should they visit a Lodge, they will present the Freemason’s Passport for their attendance and there is always a seat allocated to them which is located at the North East Corner of the Lodge. Finally, congratulated and .thanked them for joining Lodge Jose Rizal and being good candidates. WBro Khris Albano handed back the Chair to WBro Manuel Placido, and thanked him for the privilege of giving him the opportunity to do the ceremony for the first time under the NSW Constitution with the support and guidance of RWBro Fidel Pamplona, RWBro Rey Porras and VWBro Rudy Romerosa. The Worshipful Master, WBro Manuel Placido thanked WBro Khris Albano and all the Officers and brethren involved in the ceremony.
The Worshipful Master asked the RW Bro Secretary if there was any other business to be done. The Senior Warden, Bro Mario Baylon, Jr stood-up and moved a motion that Lodge Jose Rizal shall apply and pursue the “Application for Lodge Accreditation”. This was seconded by the Junior Warden, Bro Micvi Fidel. RWBro Rey Porras briefly explained the procedure of getting the Lodge Accredited and gave some inspirational motivation to the members on which he also fully supported the proposal. The Lodge Accreditation was also discussed during the Management Committee meeting. RWBro Fidel Pamplona and RWBro Rey Porras gave the Management Committee the background and summary of Lodge Accreditation and were fully supported by all brethren present at the committee. The Worshipful Master then asked the brethren if they were in favour for the proposal and the brethren showed their full enthusiasm and willingness to go ahead with the proposal unanimously.
The Worshipful Master called-in if there were any apologies. An Inquiry for Membership from The Hills Lodges was announced with the replied not known. Being no other business, the Worshipful Master closed the Lodge and all retired to the South.
After the Lodge Chaplain, Bro Jay Roson, had said Grace, all sat down to a beautiful meal, courtesy of the Ladies of Lodge Jose Rizal and especially the delicious food prepared and cooked by our LJR Bro Master Chef, Bro Oscar Eugenio. Whilst everyone was having the delicious Christmas Banquet and busy with telling stories and fellowship banter, Bro Oliver Gadista and his live band played soft music for easy listening. The Worshipful Master proposed the Loyal Toast then followed by the Senior Deacon, Bro Paolo Beringuel to propose a Toast to the Newly Initiated Brothers. The Director of Ceremonies, Bro Khris Albano, called each of the newly initiated brethren Bro Santos and Bro Gosiengfiao to response and also to the newly affiliated brother, WBro Ian Harrison; which they did with grateful thanks and appreciation. Also, they were called and presented to the stage with a surprise request by the Director of Ceremonies to sing the song “La Bamba” with accompaniment from Bro Oliver’s band. The new members courageously delivered their “first charge” with complete body language and great symphony that the audience could not hold-on to their thunderous acclamations.
The night was getting deeper, Bro Eric Buenavista proposed the Toast to the Visitors and Ladies. He mentioned about one of his gratifying experiences is visiting various Lodges. He said that visitation is a form of communication; continuing that:
“we impart and receive knowledge, ideas and expression of brotherhood and Lodge Jose Rizal always hopes that their message of friendship is passed on to other Lodges.”
Bro Buenavista also created a poem especially dedicated to the Lodge Jose Rizal’s Ladies.
“What would we do without you, preparing for occasions of this sort? What would we do without you, without your help and support. So please accept our grateful thanks, for everything you do. And to say again how please we are, to have Ladies such as you. So, to the Ladies here tonight, be they friends, sweethearts or wives, we wish to thank you very much for lighting up our lives. And so before my chair resume, my toast to you complete. There is a message from the Brethren which to you I must repeat. Our wish to all you gorgeous girls be you young or old, is to wish health and happiness and to say we love you all.”
That wonderful deliberation of poetic words by Bro Buenavista made the Ladies stun and wowed for a few seconds and were awakened with a big applause from all those present. The Toast to the Visitors was responded to by RW Bro Potter; the Toast to the Ladies by his wife - both of whom were also invited to render a song accompanied by the band. They capitulated and proceeded to sing "Daydream Believer". The ladies also responded with an inspirational Christmas caroling; which precipitated a singing of caroling contest between the More Worshipful Ladies and the Brethren [which you know who won!]; and was later capped by a joined-in singing of “Auld Lang Syne”.
The Junior Warden, Bro Micvi Fidel proposed the Junior Wardens Toast and whilst some departed and made their way to their respective homes, others stayed on and continued singing and dancing their way into the wee hours but all ever so glad they had come to Lodge Jose Rizal’s Family Christmas Party and emergent meeting and all looking forward to …”Our Next Happy Meeting at Lodge Jose Rizal No. 1045”, which meets at the Castle Hill Masonic Centre on the second Saturday [11 Jan 2014], where great night, warm and friendly hand of friendship is assured.
Tuesday, December 24, 2013
Friday, November 15, 2013
Trestle Board of Activities - Nov - Dec 2013
16 Nov, Saturday, Tyling 6:30 PM, Visitors 7:00 PM - Fraternal visit to Lodge Education Installation, Egyptian Room, Royal Arch Temple, 23-25 New Canterbury Road, Petersham 2049. LJR Barong Tagalog, ladies invited.
24 Nov, Sunday, From 11:30 AM onwards - Freemasons' Association Children's Christmas Party Arcadia Road Shelter 1, Fagan Park, Dural.
24 Nov, Sunday, 5:00 PM, - LJR Management Meeting & Rehearsal, Castle Hill Masonic Centre. Please bring a dish/drinks/dessert, etc. to share.
30 Nov, Saturday, From 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM - District 32 Charity Sizzle/BBQ Fund Raising, Bunnings at North Parramatta, 1/9 North Rocks Road, North Rocks. Special request to all officers & members, especially our FCMs and EAFs Brethren to assist & support. Ladies & family very welcome.
01 Dec, Sunday, From 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM - District 32 Charity Sizzle/BBQ Fund Raising, Bunnings at Dural, 248-252 New Line Road, Dural. See above for more details.
07 Dec, Saturday, Tyling 5:00 PM, Emergent Meeting to Ballot & Initiate two candidates and Christmas Party. Castle Hill Masonic Centre. Last meeting for the year & hope to see your family!
21 Dec, Saturday, From 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM - District 32 Charity Sizzle/BBQ Fund Raising, Bunnings at North Parramatta, 1/9 North Rocks Road, North Rocks. More details, please see above 30 Nov activity. This is the last District Charity Fund Raising for the year.
24 Nov, Sunday, From 11:30 AM onwards - Freemasons' Association Children's Christmas Party Arcadia Road Shelter 1, Fagan Park, Dural.
24 Nov, Sunday, 5:00 PM, - LJR Management Meeting & Rehearsal, Castle Hill Masonic Centre. Please bring a dish/drinks/dessert, etc. to share.
30 Nov, Saturday, From 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM - District 32 Charity Sizzle/BBQ Fund Raising, Bunnings at North Parramatta, 1/9 North Rocks Road, North Rocks. Special request to all officers & members, especially our FCMs and EAFs Brethren to assist & support. Ladies & family very welcome.
01 Dec, Sunday, From 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM - District 32 Charity Sizzle/BBQ Fund Raising, Bunnings at Dural, 248-252 New Line Road, Dural. See above for more details.
07 Dec, Saturday, Tyling 5:00 PM, Emergent Meeting to Ballot & Initiate two candidates and Christmas Party. Castle Hill Masonic Centre. Last meeting for the year & hope to see your family!
21 Dec, Saturday, From 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM - District 32 Charity Sizzle/BBQ Fund Raising, Bunnings at North Parramatta, 1/9 North Rocks Road, North Rocks. More details, please see above 30 Nov activity. This is the last District Charity Fund Raising for the year.
Thursday, November 7, 2013
Incoming Elected Officers for 2013-2014
Worshipful Master - Bro Manuel Placido
Immediate Past Master - WBro Manuel Santos
Senior Warden - Bro Mario Baylon Jr
Junior Warden - Bro Micvi Fidel
Chaplain - Bro Julio Roson
Treasurer - WBro Manuel Santos
Secretary - RWBro Fidencio Pamplona, PSGW
Director of Ceremonies - WBro Khris Albano, GStwd
Senior Deacon - Bro Paolo Beringuel
Junior Deacon - Bro Roderick Buenavista
Director of Music - WBro Herminigildo Mateo
Organist - Bro Daniel Placido
Membership Officers - RWBro Emanuel Maniago, PSGW
Membership Officer - WBro Vicente Flores
Caring Officer - WBro Remigio Nieto
Inner Guard - Bro Roberto Urqueza
Steward - Bro Troy Quimpo
Steward - Bro Oscar Eugenio
Steward - Bro Rommel Cruz
Steward - Bro Rajeev Kalra
Outer Guard/Tyler - Rotation of LJR Past Masters
Lodge Mentor/Education Officer - RWBro Rey Porras, PSGW
Assistant Director of Ceremonies - VWBro Rodolfo Romerosa, PDGDC
Installation Night 9 November 2013
5:00 PM Tyling
Castle Hill Masonic Temple
Lodge Mentor/Education Officer - RWBro Rey Porras, PSGW
Assistant Director of Ceremonies - VWBro Rodolfo Romerosa, PDGDC
Installation Night 9 November 2013
5:00 PM Tyling
Castle Hill Masonic Temple
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
October-November 2013 Trestle Board
Please take note of the following events:
1.a 4 October, Friday, Tyling 7:00 PM - Passing of Bro. Roberto 'Obet" Castor at Lodge Baulkham Hills, Castle Hill Masonic Centre, corner Showground and Old Northern Roads, Castle Hill 2154.
1.b 4 October, Friday, Tyling 7:30 PM - Raising of Bro Crezalde 'Zaldy" Pagala to the Third Degree at Lodge Sydney St. George, Campbelltown Masonic Centre, 101 Wickfield Circuit, Ambarvale 2560.
We have to split the fraternal so members can support both ceremonies. Carpooling at Lodge Sydney St. George is appropriate. Let me know if you need, and are available for rehearsal this coming Sunday, 29 Sep at 6:00PM at Castle Hill MC for both Passing & Raising.
2. 12 October, Saturday, 6:00 PM - LJR Management Meeting and First Rehearsal for the Installation at the Castle Hill Masonic Centre. Brethren and Ladies to attend and please bring a plate of dish if you can.
3. 23 October, Wednesday, Tyling 5:45 PM - Invitation on the Re Installation of RWBro Manny Maniago, WM Elect of Lodge Kilwinning 13, [Tyling visitors from 6:00PM, Grand Lodge 6:45PM]; Oatley Masonic Centre, 11 Letitia Street, Oatley NSW. Ladies are invited. Dining charge of $20.00 for brethren and no charge for the ladies.
4.a 28 October, Monday, 7:00 PM - Lodge of Instruction, Installation Practice for all LJR Elected Officers & those with parts at the Installation. Castle Hill Masonic Centre. This is a special dry run for our forthcoming Installation. Please attend this LOI to practice our assigned task, learn the correct procedures and perambulations. This is also very important to the Worshipful Master-Elect, Wardens and Deacons to practice your part in the Installation. The Preceptor is expecting us to be there.
4.b 02 November, Saturday, 12:00 noon - District 32 Proposed District Social Family Luncheon at the "King of Siam" [or Siam Corner] Thai Restaurant, Rouse Hill. Please indicate your intention to attend for catering & booking purposes. The indicative cost would be around $25-$28 per person, a firm cost will be provided when numbers are known. Children will be catered to.
5.a 02 November, Saturday, 5:00 PM - Final LJR Installation Rehearsal. Castle Hill Masonic Centre. Please bring a plate of dish if you can.
5.b 09 November, Saturday, 5:00 PM - LJR's Installation Night, Castle Hill Masonic Centre.
6. 30 November, Saturday, 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM. District 32 Charity Fund Raising, Bunnings North Parramatta, 1/9 North Rocks Road, North Rocks. Please continue to support the Sausage Sizzle at Bunnings and this is a special request to our incoming members, EAF and FCFs.
Other activities and changes of schedules will be posted. Please check your emails or call me or any of our officers if you have any query.
Important reminder: any changes of home/mailing address, telephone numbers, email or any other contact details, please notify the Secretary ASAP.
Have a Happy Public Holidays, Grand Finals, Filipino Fiesta , etc. Drive carefully and see you all soon.
Kind regards,
RWB Fidel Pamplona, PSGW
Secretary, LJR 1045
Please take note of the following events:
1.a 4 October, Friday, Tyling 7:00 PM - Passing of Bro. Roberto 'Obet" Castor at Lodge Baulkham Hills, Castle Hill Masonic Centre, corner Showground and Old Northern Roads, Castle Hill 2154.
1.b 4 October, Friday, Tyling 7:30 PM - Raising of Bro Crezalde 'Zaldy" Pagala to the Third Degree at Lodge Sydney St. George, Campbelltown Masonic Centre, 101 Wickfield Circuit, Ambarvale 2560.
We have to split the fraternal so members can support both ceremonies. Carpooling at Lodge Sydney St. George is appropriate. Let me know if you need, and are available for rehearsal this coming Sunday, 29 Sep at 6:00PM at Castle Hill MC for both Passing & Raising.
2. 12 October, Saturday, 6:00 PM - LJR Management Meeting and First Rehearsal for the Installation at the Castle Hill Masonic Centre. Brethren and Ladies to attend and please bring a plate of dish if you can.
3. 23 October, Wednesday, Tyling 5:45 PM - Invitation on the Re Installation of RWBro Manny Maniago, WM Elect of Lodge Kilwinning 13, [Tyling visitors from 6:00PM, Grand Lodge 6:45PM]; Oatley Masonic Centre, 11 Letitia Street, Oatley NSW. Ladies are invited. Dining charge of $20.00 for brethren and no charge for the ladies.
4.a 28 October, Monday, 7:00 PM - Lodge of Instruction, Installation Practice for all LJR Elected Officers & those with parts at the Installation. Castle Hill Masonic Centre. This is a special dry run for our forthcoming Installation. Please attend this LOI to practice our assigned task, learn the correct procedures and perambulations. This is also very important to the Worshipful Master-Elect, Wardens and Deacons to practice your part in the Installation. The Preceptor is expecting us to be there.
4.b 02 November, Saturday, 12:00 noon - District 32 Proposed District Social Family Luncheon at the "King of Siam" [or Siam Corner] Thai Restaurant, Rouse Hill. Please indicate your intention to attend for catering & booking purposes. The indicative cost would be around $25-$28 per person, a firm cost will be provided when numbers are known. Children will be catered to.
5.a 02 November, Saturday, 5:00 PM - Final LJR Installation Rehearsal. Castle Hill Masonic Centre. Please bring a plate of dish if you can.
5.b 09 November, Saturday, 5:00 PM - LJR's Installation Night, Castle Hill Masonic Centre.
6. 30 November, Saturday, 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM. District 32 Charity Fund Raising, Bunnings North Parramatta, 1/9 North Rocks Road, North Rocks. Please continue to support the Sausage Sizzle at Bunnings and this is a special request to our incoming members, EAF and FCFs.
Other activities and changes of schedules will be posted. Please check your emails or call me or any of our officers if you have any query.
Important reminder: any changes of home/mailing address, telephone numbers, email or any other contact details, please notify the Secretary ASAP.
Have a Happy Public Holidays, Grand Finals, Filipino Fiesta , etc. Drive carefully and see you all soon.
Kind regards,
RWB Fidel Pamplona, PSGW
Secretary, LJR 1045
LJR's September 2013 Meeting

Photo shows, from left to right: Bro Senior Deacon Micvi Fidel, VW Bro Rudy Romerosa, Bro Kim Hour Siv, Bro Jomar Crisostomo, Wor Master WBro Manny Santos and Bro Junior Deacon Paolo Beriguel.
Article & photo by RW Bro Bruce Quirk as appeared on District 32 web page.
Approaching eighty, including the Brethren their wives, family, friends and little ones were in attendance at the Castle Hill Masonic Centre on Saturday night the thirteenth of September. The Brethren, not only to see Mr Jomar Crisostomo and Mr Kim Hour Siv become Bro Jomar Crisostomo and Bro Kim Hour Siv, Brothers among Masons, but also to both see and hear the explanation of the First Degree Tracing Board delivered with such expression and meaning as only Bro Roderick Buenavista can do.
With W Bro Manuel Santos "In the Chair”, RW Bro Emmanuel Maniago as Senior Warden, W Bro Romy Nieto sitting in the Treasurer's chair and around twenty eight Brethren in the Lodge Room, the Lodge tyled at six o’clock sharp and the minutes, correspondence and general business was quickly presented and dealt with by the Lodge Secretary RW Bro Fidel Pamplona.
Visitors were then admitted, including strong representation from Lodge Woronga and Lodge Hornsby, thus swelling the numbers, which included eight Entered Apprentices and seven Fellow Crafts, to approaching fifty. An alarm was sounded and upon inquiry, it was found the District Grand Inspector of Workings for District Thirty Two VW Bro Graham Andrews was in attendance and seeking admission. With the Director of Ceremonies VW Bro Kris Albano and the Deacons taking up their respective positions, Fan Fare electronically operated by WBro Hermie Mateo, and the Brethren standing to order, the distinguished visitor entered the Lodge Room and was made most welcome by the Worshipful Master.
The election of Officers for the ensuing year of Lodge Jose Rizal was then conducted, Bro Manuel Placido accepting the role of Worshipful Master Elect, before a successful ballot was conducted for the admission into Freemasonry of Mr Jomar Crisostomo and Mr Kim Hour Sim, Mr Crisostomo a senior member of the Order of DeMolay.
VW Bro Rudy Romerosa then took the chair before an alarm was sounded; and upon inquiry it was ascertained Mr Crisostomo and Mr Siv were at the door of the Lodge, properly prepared and humbly soliciting to be admitted to the secrets and mysteries of Ancient Freemasonry. With consent by VW Bro Romerosa, the director of Ceremonies, The Lodge Chaplain and the Deacons taking up their respective positions, the candidates were admitted into the Lodge Room and in due course, Mr Crisostomo and Mr Siv became Bro Crisostomo and Bro Siv, Brothers among Masons.
The work of the evening was of a very high standard with particular mention of the final charge delivered with such meaning and expression by Bro Roberto Urqueza and with seats positioned in the centre of the floor for the eight Entered Apprentices to get a better view, the First Degree Tracing Board was explained by Bro Roderick Buenavista, which drew loud acclamation from all in the Lodge Room on completion.
The work of the evening completed, VW Bro Romerosa gave welcome to the visiting District Inspector who, with the assistance of the Director of Ceremonies, went down onto the floor to congratulate the candidates. On returning to the dais VW Bro Andrews made the Brethren aware of several forth coming events within the District, including The Hills Installation on the eighteenth of this month, The District Thirty Two Lodge of Instruction meeting on the twenty third and Lodge Resurgo working a first degree on the twenty fifth, dining at seven o’clock, prior to the meeting and of the District Thirty Two meeting commencing at six thirty on the twenty sixth. Continuing on, VW Bro Andrews thanked Lodge Jose Rizal for their continued support of the Sausage Sizzles and in particular, of the support given to the recent District Thirty Two Picnic.
The distinguished visitor then retired and before closing the Lodge, RW Bro Fidel Pamplona read out inquiries. VW Bro Romerosa then closed the Lodge and all retired to the festive board and after Grace was said by the Lodge Chaplain, Bro Julio Roson, all sat down to a beautiful meal prepared and presented as only the ladies of Lodge Jose’ Rizal can do. The Worshipful Master proposed the Loyal Toast, followed by the Toast to The Most Worshipful Grand Master and in response to the toast, VW Bro Andrews thanked the ladies of Lodge Jose Rizal for their unequalled hospitality and support of the Craft.
WBro Rolly Manarang then proposed a toast to the newly initiated Brethren and in response to the toast, the now Brother Siv said it had been his lifelong dream to become a Mason and this evening the dream had been fulfilled. Brother Crisostomo then responded and spoke of his experience in the Order of DeMolay and how Freemasonry will be his continuation of its teachings. Sis Janice Siv then rose in support of the toast and told of how Freemasonry made "Good Men, Better Men” and thanked all for their hospitality and friendship extended to her.
Bro Roderick Buenavista then proposed a toast to the visitors and to the ladies, the beautiful and ever so meaningful Lodge Jose Rizal honours were demonstrated by the Director of Ceremonies, VW Bro Kris Albano which are --
"We hold you in our hearts—We embrace you as a friend—We honour your friendship”
Bro Clive Mostoles from Lodge Woronora No 414 was then called to respond to the toast and in doing so, thanked Lodge Jose’ Rizal for an evening which would be the envy and inspiration of any Lodge. The response on behalf of the ladies was responded to by Sis Hazel Urqueza who spoke of her fond ties with Freemasonry and her love and connection with Lodge Jose’ Rizal which drew loud acclamation from all in the Festive Board.
The hour getting late, Bro Mario Baylon Jnr proposed the Junior Warden’s Toast and, whilst some departed into the warm spring evening, others stayed on for a catch up chat, party and song and all looking forward to --- "Our Next Happy Meeting at Lodge Jose Rizal No 1045”.
Such was the September meeting of Lodge Jose Rizal, a Lodge renowned for its work of excellence in the Lodge Room but far better known throughout the Fraternity for its "Peace, Love and Harmony” to all that attend, may it long continue to prosper and grow and continue to be both an inspiration and example for other Lodges to follow.
"So Mote It Be”
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
Lodge Jose Rizal's July 2013 Meeting
From left: Bro Senior Deacon Micvi Fidel, RW Bro Fidel Pamplona, Bro Justin Bayliff, VW Bro Graham Andrews & RW Bro Manny Maniago [Photo by W Bro Romy Nieto -]
Approaching fifty, including the Brethren, their wives, family and friends, not forgetting the little ones and tiny tots, were in attendance at the Castle Hill Masonic Centre on Saturday night - the 13th of July. Most to witness, others to take part in and all to enjoy; not only the Raising Ceremony of Bro Justin Baylifff but also to take part in the birthday celebrations of Bro Micvi Fidel [Age undisclosed].
With RW Bro Fidel Pamplona "In The Chair”, W Bro Romy Nieto as IPM, RW Bro Emmanuel Maniago as acting Senior Warden and VW Bro Rudy Romerosa as acting Secretary, the Lodge Tyled at six o’clock sharp.
Among the twenty eight in the Lodge room, were no fewer than three Entered Apprentice Freemasons and two Fellow Crafts and after all visitors were admitted, an alarm was sounded and upon inquiry it was found the District Grand Inspector of Workings for District Thirty Two, VW Bro Graham Andrews, was in attendance and seeking admission. With the acting Director of Ceremonies, RW Bro Rey Porras and the Deacons taking up their respective positions, the distinguished visitor was admitted and made extremely welcome by the Worshipful Master in The Chair.
Before the work of the evening commenced, RW Bro Pamplona offered his sincere condolences to W Bro Romy Nieto and Family in the passing of Sis Ellen’s dear mother - Monica Sanqui Nunez.
The Worshipful Master in the Chair then asked all Entered Apprentices to retire and opened the Lodge in the Second Degree. At RW Bro Pamplona’s request, the Senior Deacon, Bro Micvi Fidel presented Bro Justin Bayliff to the Obligation Table where he was subjected to the Preliminary Examination. Bro Bayliff, obviously well tutored by his mentor, RW Bro Emmanuel Maniago, had no problem with the examination and after all Fellow Crafts were retired, including W Bro Fred Sese, the now Worshipful Master of Lodge Baulkham Hill, the Lodge was raised to the Third Degree.
The Lodge Room being suitably prepared, an alarm was sounded and after the Director of Ceremonies, the Deacons and Lodge Chaplain had taken up their respective positions, Bro Bayliff was re admitted "On The Square” and in due course, raised to the Sublime Degree of a Master Mason. The work of the evening was of the particularly high standard, of which Lodge Jose Rizal is renowned but particular mention must be made of the Traditional History narrated by W Bro Romy Nieto and the extended signs so well explained by Bro Robert Urqueza. Meanwhile, the ladies outside, were obviously enjoying the night and having a great time judging by the music, laughter and squeals of delight issuing forth.
The ceremony over and a photo opportunity taken, the Lodge was returned to the First Degree and all Masons were re admitted. RW Bro Pamplona then gave welcome to the visiting District Inspector who, in rising to the response, and apologising for his absence at the last meeting, asked for the assistance of the Director of Ceremonies and went down onto the floor and greeted the Entered Apprentices in turn, crossing the floor, he also congratulated the newly Raised Brother Bro Bayliff, and greeted the Fellow Craft in attendance.
On returning to the dais, VW Bro Andrews, spoke of his recent contact and conversation with the Most Worshipful Grand Master, who is in Brisbane, at the moment, for the Queensland Grand Installation and will soon journey to New Zealand for their Grand Installation, thus continuing the very strong Australasian bond of Freemasonry. Continuing on, VW Bro Andrews spoke of the recent Grand Lodge Communication and of VW Bro Robert Moore’s successful application for the role of RGC at the "soon to be” Region Two. He also spoke of the Grand Master’s desire to visit District Thirty Two and urged all Lodges in the District to give the Grand Master timely notice of any function they wished him to attend.
VW Bro Andrews then retired and before closing the Lodge RW Bro Pamplona asked for any announcements ---
The Worshipful Master of Lodge Hornsby rose and invited all to Lodge Hornsby’s next meeting which will be the investiture of Officers for the ensuing year.
RW Bro Bill Driver spoke of the huge financial success of the sausage sizzles held at the various Bunning’s outlets and called for volunteers for the forthcoming Castle Hill roster where it is 'guesstimated' that over six hundred and fifty sausage sandwiches will be sold on the day, returning more than two thousand dollars. Well done RW Bro Driver.
There being no further business, the "Master in The Chair” closed the Lodge and after a photo opportunity was taken of all the Brethren who had taken part in the night’s ceremony, all retired to the Festive Board to join the ladies, family and friends and, after Grace was recited by the Lodge Chaplain, Bro Julio Roson, all enjoyed a beautiful meal and delicious sweets prepared and presented by the ladies of Lodge Jose Rizal.
After RW Bro Pamplona had proposed The Loyal Toast, he proposed a toast to The Most Worshipful Grand Master, which was responded to by the visiting District Inspector. Bro Troy Quimpo then proposed a toast to the newly Raised Brother and in his response, Bro Bayliff, in thanking Lodge Jose Rizal, especially RW Bro Maniago, for all the support and encouragement in his Masonic journey thus far, said that he would soon be moving to Canada and would join a Lodge over there but would always have happy memories of Australia and be so proud to call Lodge Jose Rizal his Mother Lodge.
In the absence of Bro SW Manny Placido, RW Bro Rey Porras proposed a toast to the ladies and visitors, which was responded to by W Bro Ian Harrison, from Lodge Alpha. W Bro Harrison has applied for affiliation papers and soon to be an affiliate member of Lodge Jose Rizal.
The Director of Ceremonies then announced that it will be Bro Micvi Fidel’s birthday and all joined in singing a happy and hearty "Happy Birthday” song. In response, Bro Micvi asked all to continue the evening and participate in his birthday celebrations and in doing so invited all to sample some special birthday food he had placed on the tables.
The raffle was then drawn and Bro Mario Baylon Jnr proposed the Junior Wardens Toast and whilst some went home, others stayed and joined in the birthday festivities and extended South well into the night or should one say "early morning”. Such was Lodge Jose Rizal’s July meeting, another night of both admiration and inspiration and totally enjoyed by all in attendance and all looking forward to ----
"Our Next Happy Meeting at Lodge Jose’ Rizal No 1045”
Which will be held at the Castle Hill Masonic Centre,on the fourteenth of September, where a warm welcome will be extended to all.
Article by RW Bro Bruce Quirk, as appeared originally on the District 32 website.
16 August 1888 - Commemorating the First Meeting of the Grand Lodge
Lord Carrington, First Grand Master
The Governor of New South Wales, Her Excellency Professor Marie Bashir AC, CVO will attend the Sydney Masonic Centre on Friday 16 August 2013.
In the presence of the Grand Master, MW Bro Derek Robson, AM, Her Excellency will unveil a special commemorative plaque to mark this 125th Anniversary.
Tickets are limited so please book early for catering purposes. The unveiling will be followed by a cocktail party (food and drink supplied).
Date & Time: Friday 16 August 2013, 5.30 pm Grand Lodge Room, afterwards cocktails at the Banquet Hall from 6.15 pm.
Cost: $55 per person Dress: Men: Lounge Suit Ladies: After Five Bookings: Grand Lodge Office or by internet .
Thursday, July 11, 2013
July - August 2013 Trestle Board
14 July - Sunday, 10:00 AM - District 32 Social Picnic at Castle Hill Heritage Park, Heritage Park Dr,
Castle Hill NSW 2154. BYO drinks and food.
19 July - Friday, 7:00 PM - Sydney Masonic Centre [Grand Lodge Bldg at Castlereaght St City] The inaugural Freemasons Annual Multicultural Exchange [FAME] meeting hosted by Lodge Galileo 1019.
There are other invitations & Fraternals as planned by our Wor Master - Manny Santos:
3 Aug - Saturday, 6:00 PM - Masquerade Dinner Dance[Fund Raising & Awareness for Prostrate Cancer] hosted by Cedars Lodge at The Emporium Function Centre, Level 1, 258 South Terrace, Bankstown 2200. Ladies invited. $75 per. Dress: formal with mask.
[ON HOLD Till Further Notice] 9 Aug - Friday, 6:00 PM Tyling - Lodge Beauty of Cabra Vale No 743 Re-Installation [Fairfield Masonic Centre, 6 York St Fairfield] Our WBro Jack Sta Maria is the WM-elect. $25 South charge. Ladies invited.
10 Aug - Saturday, 5:00 PM Tyling - Hawkesbury Heritage Lodge No 150 Re-Installation [Hawkesbury Masonic Centre, 731 George St South Windsor] VWBro Allan Owen is the WM-elect; & will be attended by the Grand Master, MWBro Derek Robson. Ladies invited & dines courtesy of the Wor Master.
17 Aug - Saturday, 5:00 PM Tyling - Lodge Blacktown-Kildare No 393 Installation [Blacktown Masonic Centre, 30 First Ave., Blacktown]. Bro Ron Calpito is the WM-elect. Ladies invited.
18 Aug - Sunday, 11:00 AM - Castle Hill Masonic Centre. LJR Management Meeting, Rehearsal & Fellowship. Families & friends invited. Please bring a dish or two if you can.
22 Aug - Thursday, 6:30 PM Tyling - Lodge Fidelity King Solomon No 101 Re-Installation [Hurlstone Park Masonic Centre, Cnr Marcia and Duntroon Sts., Hurlstone Park]. WBro Jomar Cabral is the WM-elect. Our very own RWBro Fidel Pamplona is the Grand Master's Representative. Ladies invited.
-------------- District 32 BBQ Sizzles Schedule at Bunnings---------------------
Just reposting this schedule for everybody to join in one or more from the sizzles dates:
Saturday 20th July North Parramatta
Saturday 3rd August Castle Hill
Sunday 22nd September North Parramatta
Saturday 28th September Castle Hill
Saturday 30th November North Parramatta
Sunday 1st December Dural
Saturday 21st December North Parramatta
See some of you there!
WBro MannyS
[Above are Bunning store locations.]
Thursday, May 30, 2013
May - June 2013 Trestle Board
For the next four consecutive weeks, we will be very busy for the Third Degree Exemplification, Installation and Initiation of our three candidates.
The schedule time and dates, Lodges and addresses are as follows:
a). Lodge Hornsby = LJR team for the Third Degree Rite Exemplification [of the Grand Lodge of the Philippines], Saturday, 25 May, tyling at 5:30PM at the Turramurra Masonic Centre, 1247 Pacific Highway, Turramurra 2074. Car Park is available opposite the Lodge. $25 for the Festive Board and Ladies are invited. Carpooling is highly recommended.
b). The Cedars Lodge = LJR team for the Third Degree Rite Exemplification [of the Grand Lodge of the Philippines], Saturday, 01 June, tyling at 5:30PM at the Petersham Masonic Centre, 23-25 New Canterbury Road, Petersham 2049. Car Park is limited but street parking available along New Canterbury Road; opposite the Lodge. Ladies are invited and Festive Board cost TBA. Carpooling is highly recommended.
c). Lodge Sydney St. George, = Re-installation Ceremony of our RWBro Rey Porras, LJR members on the Board of Installed Masters and other Charges, Friday, 07 June, tyling at 6:30PM at Campbelltown Masonic Centre, 101 Wickfield Circuit, Ambarvale 2560. Car park is available at the back of the Lodge. $25 for the Festive Board and Ladies are invited. Carpooling is highly recommended.
d) Lodge Jose Rizal = Initiation Ceremony and to celebrate Dr. Jose Rizal’s birthday [152nd anniversary], Saturday, 15 June, tyling at 6:00PM at Castle Masonic Centre, Castle Hill. We have three Candidates for Initiation on the night. (Mr. Bienvenido Palad, Mr. Miguel Vicente Santiago and Mr. Roberto Castor).
We will also have a fellowship followed by a brief rehearsal [at 5:00 PM] on Sunday, 09 June at 2:00PM at Castle Hill MC. Brethren doing the charges will be notified and posted accordingly.
Also find the schedule of District 32's BBQ Sizzles Fund Raising at Bunnings:
Sunday 26th May North Parramatta
Sunday 9th June Seven Hills (Queen's Birthday Weekend)
Saturday 20th July North Parramatta
Saturday 3rd August Castle Hill
Sunday 22nd September North Parramatta
Saturday 28th September Castle Hill
Saturday 30th November North Parramatta
Sunday 1st December Dural
Saturday 21st December North Parramatta
On behalf of our Worshipful Master, he conveys his warm appreciation and thanks for giving your time and effort to demonstrate the quality of work we do for and in our lodge, such as rehearsals, degree works or sausage sizzles and most sincerely the assistance behind the scene provided by our Ladies. They are always regarded as our inspiration on what we do.
Let us maintain our good work; this is all about the “LJR Team Work and Harmony“.
Kind regards,
RWBro Fidel Pamplona, PSGW
Secretary, LJR 1045
For the next four consecutive weeks, we will be very busy for the Third Degree Exemplification, Installation and Initiation of our three candidates.
The schedule time and dates, Lodges and addresses are as follows:
a). Lodge Hornsby = LJR team for the Third Degree Rite Exemplification [of the Grand Lodge of the Philippines], Saturday, 25 May, tyling at 5:30PM at the Turramurra Masonic Centre, 1247 Pacific Highway, Turramurra 2074. Car Park is available opposite the Lodge. $25 for the Festive Board and Ladies are invited. Carpooling is highly recommended.
b). The Cedars Lodge = LJR team for the Third Degree Rite Exemplification [of the Grand Lodge of the Philippines], Saturday, 01 June, tyling at 5:30PM at the Petersham Masonic Centre, 23-25 New Canterbury Road, Petersham 2049. Car Park is limited but street parking available along New Canterbury Road; opposite the Lodge. Ladies are invited and Festive Board cost TBA. Carpooling is highly recommended.
c). Lodge Sydney St. George, = Re-installation Ceremony of our RWBro Rey Porras, LJR members on the Board of Installed Masters and other Charges, Friday, 07 June, tyling at 6:30PM at Campbelltown Masonic Centre, 101 Wickfield Circuit, Ambarvale 2560. Car park is available at the back of the Lodge. $25 for the Festive Board and Ladies are invited. Carpooling is highly recommended.
d) Lodge Jose Rizal = Initiation Ceremony and to celebrate Dr. Jose Rizal’s birthday [152nd anniversary], Saturday, 15 June, tyling at 6:00PM at Castle Masonic Centre, Castle Hill. We have three Candidates for Initiation on the night. (Mr. Bienvenido Palad, Mr. Miguel Vicente Santiago and Mr. Roberto Castor).
We will also have a fellowship followed by a brief rehearsal [at 5:00 PM] on Sunday, 09 June at 2:00PM at Castle Hill MC. Brethren doing the charges will be notified and posted accordingly.
Also find the schedule of District 32's BBQ Sizzles Fund Raising at Bunnings:
Sunday 26th May North Parramatta
Sunday 9th June Seven Hills (Queen's Birthday Weekend)
Saturday 20th July North Parramatta
Saturday 3rd August Castle Hill
Sunday 22nd September North Parramatta
Saturday 28th September Castle Hill
Saturday 30th November North Parramatta
Sunday 1st December Dural
Saturday 21st December North Parramatta
On behalf of our Worshipful Master, he conveys his warm appreciation and thanks for giving your time and effort to demonstrate the quality of work we do for and in our lodge, such as rehearsals, degree works or sausage sizzles and most sincerely the assistance behind the scene provided by our Ladies. They are always regarded as our inspiration on what we do.
Let us maintain our good work; this is all about the “LJR Team Work and Harmony“.
Kind regards,
RWBro Fidel Pamplona, PSGW
Secretary, LJR 1045
Lodge Jose Rizal's May 2013 Meeting
Though Lodge Jose Rizal’s May meeting was a dress rehearsal of the Third Degree, Filipino Constitution [Grand Lodge of the Philippines - GLP] for two big meetings yet to come, Lodge Turumurra on Saturday the twenty fifth of May tyling at five thirty and the Egyptian Room at Petersham on Saturday the first of June; all in attendance benefited greatly by their attendance as all learned much more about the Third Degree than book or word of mouth could ever tell and; the Tribute to Mother at the Festive Board on the eve of Mother’s day touched ever one’s heart, a most enjoyable, educational and unforgettable evening.
With approaching thirty in the Lodge Room and W Bro Manuel Santos in the chair, the Lodge tyled at six o’clock and the minutes, correspondence and general business was quickly dealt with by the Lodge Secretary, RW Bro Fidel Pamplona. The accounts and monies outstanding as well as financial statements were then presented and dealt with by the Lodge Treasurer RW Bro Emmanuel Maniago before all visitors were admitted and cordially welcomed by the Worshipful Master.
The Lodge was then taken from Labour to Refreshment and after a short comfort break, the Lodge Room was prepared for the coming rehearsal. After some instruction as to the response to be given by all, in regards to the knocks by the Master in the Chair W Bro Romy Nieto, and Bro Rommel Cruz as candidate, the ceremony commenced. The officers obviously enjoyed their respective roles and needed little or no guidance as the rehearsal unfolded, a ceremony, on similar lines, but far divorced from the ceremony practiced in Australia.
Section one completed and no time to rehearse the second section, the Lodge was bought back from Refreshment to Labour and all final business dealt with including Inquiries and announcements before the Worshipful Master closed the Lodge and all retired to the South to join family and friends.
Grace was said by the Lodge Chaplin Bro Julio Roson and the Loyal toast proposed before all enjoyed a beautiful meal prepared and presented by the Ladies of Lodge Jose Rizal which was so delicious that many went back for more. The Director of Ceremonies, W Bro Kris Albano then took the floor and invited many couples to the front to speak of their marriage and relationship and on completion and a photo opportunity taken, were given a long stemmed red rose.
Such is the Peace Love and Harmony of Lodge Jose Rizal, a Lodge of honour and pride for the members to belong to, a Lodge of experience and example for those who visit,
May it long Flourish-Grow and Prosper.
‘To Our Next Happy Meeting at Lodge Jose Rizal No 1045’
Which meets at the Castle Hill Masonic Centre, usually on the Second Saturday [odd months] but the next meeting will be held on the Third Saturday in June the fifteenth.
RW Bro Bruce Quirk's article as appeared on District 32 website
With approaching thirty in the Lodge Room and W Bro Manuel Santos in the chair, the Lodge tyled at six o’clock and the minutes, correspondence and general business was quickly dealt with by the Lodge Secretary, RW Bro Fidel Pamplona. The accounts and monies outstanding as well as financial statements were then presented and dealt with by the Lodge Treasurer RW Bro Emmanuel Maniago before all visitors were admitted and cordially welcomed by the Worshipful Master.
The Lodge was then taken from Labour to Refreshment and after a short comfort break, the Lodge Room was prepared for the coming rehearsal. After some instruction as to the response to be given by all, in regards to the knocks by the Master in the Chair W Bro Romy Nieto, and Bro Rommel Cruz as candidate, the ceremony commenced. The officers obviously enjoyed their respective roles and needed little or no guidance as the rehearsal unfolded, a ceremony, on similar lines, but far divorced from the ceremony practiced in Australia.
Section one completed and no time to rehearse the second section, the Lodge was bought back from Refreshment to Labour and all final business dealt with including Inquiries and announcements before the Worshipful Master closed the Lodge and all retired to the South to join family and friends.
Grace was said by the Lodge Chaplin Bro Julio Roson and the Loyal toast proposed before all enjoyed a beautiful meal prepared and presented by the Ladies of Lodge Jose Rizal which was so delicious that many went back for more. The Director of Ceremonies, W Bro Kris Albano then took the floor and invited many couples to the front to speak of their marriage and relationship and on completion and a photo opportunity taken, were given a long stemmed red rose.
Such is the Peace Love and Harmony of Lodge Jose Rizal, a Lodge of honour and pride for the members to belong to, a Lodge of experience and example for those who visit,
May it long Flourish-Grow and Prosper.
‘To Our Next Happy Meeting at Lodge Jose Rizal No 1045’
Which meets at the Castle Hill Masonic Centre, usually on the Second Saturday [odd months] but the next meeting will be held on the Third Saturday in June the fifteenth.
RW Bro Bruce Quirk's article as appeared on District 32 website
Thursday, May 2, 2013
Installation Bro Fred Sese, 3 May
Our Bro Alfredo "Fred' Belen Sese will be Installed as Wor Master of Lodge Baulkham Hills 956, this Friday - 3 May 2013 at Castle Hill Masonic Centre. Tyling at 6:30pm for members, visitors at 6:45pm & Grand Lodge at 7:30pm.
Installation banquet [South] is by tickets only [RSVP by 19 Apt]at 425 per person. Ladies invited.
Bro Fred said that "I would like to thank our Jose Rizal Brethren for their well wishes for my coming installation tomorrow at Lodge Baulkham Hills, Castle Hill Masonic Centre.
"Also thanking, in advance, the LJR Brethren participating, Brother Ed Banting for dispensing a vocal rendition of "You Will Raise Me Up" and Brother Micvi Fidel on his trusty saxophone. This musical interlude will be in open Lodge. At the installation banquet, where it is free and easy, Brothers Manuel and Daniel Placido will entertain us with their music."
Installation banquet [South] is by tickets only [RSVP by 19 Apt]at 425 per person. Ladies invited.
Bro Fred said that "I would like to thank our Jose Rizal Brethren for their well wishes for my coming installation tomorrow at Lodge Baulkham Hills, Castle Hill Masonic Centre.
"Also thanking, in advance, the LJR Brethren participating, Brother Ed Banting for dispensing a vocal rendition of "You Will Raise Me Up" and Brother Micvi Fidel on his trusty saxophone. This musical interlude will be in open Lodge. At the installation banquet, where it is free and easy, Brothers Manuel and Daniel Placido will entertain us with their music."
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