Wednesday, March 24, 2010

March - April Activities

1. 23rd March, Tuesday at 6:00 PM - WBro Fred Enriquez's 40th Day Prayers - at their residence, 38 Alamein Rd Bossley Park. All are welcome to attend.

2. 24th March, Wednesday at 6:30 PM - Lodge Resurgo No 223 - Installation of Wor Master, Wor Bro Mervyn Anthony McGrath and his officers for 2010-2011. Castle Hill Masonic Centre. Our Wor Master, VWor Bro Manny Maniago will lead a fraternal.  Attire: Dinner Suit and $20 per person cost of Installation Banquet.

3. 3rd to 4th April, Saturday & Sunday all day - FilMasons Club & Lodge Jose Rizal Joint Easter Outing/Camping, at the new Pilipino Multi Purpose Center at 80 Grange Ave, Schofields. The MPC is situated in a big acreage with a three (3) bedroom house and meeting room. We will spend the Easter weekend in this place,, arriving on the morning of Saturday, 03 April 2010 and leaving after lunch, Sunday, 04 April 2010. Please bring tent if you intend to sleep in the backyard, pillow or air mattress if sleeping at lounge room. bedrooms can be shared by ladies. Please bring your families. Bro Vince Flores will be providing BBQ's cost will be $20.00 per family.Come one and come all for fellowship. All welcome, non Masons also welcome.

4.  7th April, Wednesday - Tyling at 6:00 PM. Installation Meeting of Lodge Burnside No 729. Re-installation of W Bro Bryan Ingram as WM and Investiture of Officers for Masonic Year 2010-2011. Installation Banquet dining fee: $20.00. Castle Hill Masonic Centre.

5. 10th April, Saturday - Starting at 6:00 PM. Management and Committee meeting. Interviews of three LJR applicants at 7:00 PM. Nominators for the applicants must attend or otherwise send letters acknowledging character of applicant. Then after dinner our Initial meeting of the Exemplification Team Third Degree Ritual. Potluck if possible. Castle Hill Masonic Centre.

6. Various - District and District Lodge Meetings - please refer to your District Diary.

7. District 32 Notice Board:   

Sausage Sizzles at Bunnings
North Parramatta on Saturday, 3rd April
Norwest on Saturday, 10th April

The Hills Lodge
District ANZAC Meeting
Castle Hill Masonic Centre
Wednesday, 21st April at 7:30 PM

Parramatta & Hills Lodge of Instruction
Castle Hill Masonic Centre
Monday, 26th April at 7:30 PM

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